уторак, 9. децембар 2014.

Amphetamine effects and addiction


Amphetamines are stimulants that act on the central nervous system. Synthetic amphetamines are called methamphetamines. Methamphetamine is obtained by processing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine which is used as a medicine. Effects of amphetamine and methamphetamine are very similar, only the effects are more pronounced for methamphetamine. Detection in urine is possible after 8 to 24 hours amphetamine use. With methamphetamine it’s 2-3 days.

Amphetamines are commonly appearing on the black market as speed, a synthetic derivative of amphetamine. It usually appears as a white powder or tablet without odor and bitter taste, and sometimes in capsules, crystals. Standard packages are transparent nylon bags with powder or crystals. Purity powder is 6 to 10%. Crystals (methamphetamine), similar to ice (ice) cause a stronger reaction and have a long lasting effect (up to 30 hours).


Amphetamine Use

The most common method for amphetamine intake is by snorting, swallowing, smoking or injecting. The intravenous method of use is very dangerous due to the increased risk of overdose or infection using shared needles.

Amphetamine effects

Effects begin 15-30 minutes upon taking, and last for about 4-6 hours, although the effects can extend up to 24 hours. A person under the influence of amphetamines feels restless, anxious and moody, sometimes annoyed. Higher doses intensify the effects, and the person becomes more and more excited, talkative and experiences a false sense of confidence or superiority; and can act  in a bizarre way: some become aggressive and hostile.

Psychological effects  of amphetamines

Increased agility, positive changes in mood, a feeling of comfort, increased talkativeness, increased aggression, a sense of endurance and strength, lack of interest in friends and sex, decreased appetite, paranoia.

Physical effects of amphetamines

Dry mouth, headache, rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, increased blood pressure, elevation of body temperature, dilated pupils. Side effects: sweating and fever, redness caused by high fever, diarrhea or constipation, blurred vision, convulsions, twitching, restlessness, dizziness, disorientation, uncontrollable movements (convulsive contraction, tremor), insomnia, sores on the body, numbness, dizziness

Amphetamines are easily recognizable with standard tests for drugs. Amphetamines remain in the urine for 24-72 hours after ingestion. Methamphetamines remain in the body slightly longer - for 24-96 hours.
Continuous amphetamine intake can lead to malnutrition, vitamin deficiency and the person's, skin disorders, generation of boils, insomnia, weight loss, depression.

Amphetamines create physical and psychological dependence 

With long-term use of amphetamines, the body produces a certain tolerance and user has to increase his dose of methamphetamine and it becomes necessary substance in his body. This is the biggest problem with quitting - they need higher doses of drugs to achieve the desired results. Users of large amounts of amphetamines over a long period of time can develop amphetamine psychosis. It is a mental disorder similar to paranoid schizophrenia. Psychosis manifests itself through deception, illusions and paranoia. Sometimes such individuals show a strange, violent behavior.

Amphetamine addiction in drug addiction treatment center Europe , Belgrade Serbia.